
Options - Asia-Pacific

Click on any Market Center Details link below to find details on products traded, order types available, and exchange website information.

Country/Region Market Center Details Products Hours

Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) Options (Equity, Equity Index)
10:00 - 16:00 Sydney Time

Hong Kong
Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) Options (Equity Index)
09:00- 16:00 HKT. Derivatives trading hours vary.
Hong Kong Stock Exchange (SEHK) Options (Stock Options)
9:30 - 12:00 HKT
13:00 - 16:00 HKT

National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) Options (Equity Index, Equity)
Monday - Friday: 9:15-15:30

Osaka Exchange (OSE.JPN) Options (Equity Index, Equity)
Index FUT: 08:45-15:10 JST
Nikkei VI FUT: 09:00-15:10 JST
Index OPT: 09:00-15:10/16:30-5:30 JST
Equity OPT: 09:00-11:30/12:30-15:10 JST
STK: 09:00-11:30/12:30-15:00 JST

Singapore Exchange (SGX) Options (Equity Index)
Securities 9:00 - 17:00 SGT

South Korea
Korea Stock Exchange (KSE) Options (Equity Index)
Monday - Friday: 9:00-15:45

On some exchanges, different products have different trading hours.

Securities options are defined as any option on an individual stock, US legal stock, or any cash settled broad based index future. US legal residents are generally excluded from trading securities options outside of the United States due to SEC restrictions. Interactive Brokers does not offer trading of European and Asian index options (except ASX200 index options) for Canadian resident accounts. It should be noted that cash settled options outside of the US and Canada are included in the commodities account in order to provide a cross margin benefit with futures.