You are here: Settings > Account Settings > Configuration > White Branding

White Branding

We give Advisors the ability to “white brand” or incorporate their own organization’s identity into our software and documentation in specific areas, including:

Do not use the Interactive Brokers banner as a template for your White Branding Banner. IBKR cannot give endorsements and using a banner based on our corporate banner would give that impression. Please note that white branding of statements can take up to 24 hours from the time you upload your images.

To set up white branding

  1. Click Settings > Account Settings and from the Configuration panel click the configuration (gear) icon next to White Branding.

  1. Click White Branding ID and enter a White Branding ID from six to ten characters long including letters, numbers and underscore characters ( _ ). You can change your White Branding ID at any time.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click each section that represents the category you want to white brand, then follow the instructions in the section to enter the required information. Click Save in each section to enter the information into our system.

Changes made before 5:00 PM EST go into effect 8:00 PM EST the same day. Changes made after 5:00 PM EST will take effect the following day 8:00 PM EST.