You are here: Settings > Account Settings > Configuration > White Branding the TWS Users' Guide

White Brand the IB TWS Users' Guide

We give Professional Advisors the ability to white brand the IB TWS User's Guide. You can replace the company name and acronym, trade system name and acronym, trading tool name and logo with your own information and logo.

The main steps in the process are:

  1. Create a 100 x 22 jpg or gif image with a maximum size of 50KB.
  2. Create a link to the User's Guide on your website that uses the following URL:

  1. Log in to Account Management.
  2. Click Settings > Account Settings > White Branding.
  3. Click White Branding ID to open that section, then enter a White Branding ID from six to ten characters long including letters, numbers and underscore characters ( _ ). You can change your White Branding ID at any time.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Trader Workstation Users' Guide to open that section.

  1. Follow the instructions to enter the required information, including uploading your own 100 x 22 pixel jpg, gif or png file for the Users' Guide banner image.
  2. Click Save.

Changes made before 5:00 PM EST go into effect 8:00 PM EST the same day. Changes made after 5:00 PM EST will take effect the following day 8:00 PM EST.