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Viewing Net Asset Value

This panel shows you the total current value of your account, and the current value of each asset class in your account in pie charts and a table.

On this panel, you can:

Asset Class and Account View

The Home screen shows you the value of your account(s) by Asset Class or by Account.

Switching Between Views

Use the View by menu to switch between views. Account Management remembers your last View by selection.

Asset Class View

The initial view is Asset Class view, which displays two pie charts that show your long and short asset allocation, respectively, and a table that lists the current value in each asset class in your account. If there are no short positions, only one pie chart appears.

Account View

Account view displays two pie charts that the long and short position value in the selected account, and a table that lists the current value of each account along with the Account ID, title and type of account. If there are no short positions, only one pie chart appears.


Viewing Positions

You can drill down from the Home screen to view positions.

To drill down to view positions by asset class

Click any asset class in the table.

Top long and short positions in the selected asset class are displayed in pie charts at the top, and all positions in the selected asset class are displayed in a table along with their quantity, price, average cost, value in your base currency and unrealized profit and loss in your base currency.

To drill down to view positions by account

Click any account in the table.

Asset allocation for the selected account are displayed in long and short pie charts next to a table showing the value of all asset classes in the selected account, and all positions for the account are displayed in a table sorted by asset class.