The Account Management Home page includes:
To return to the Home page from any place in Account Management, click Home on the main menu.
Additional functions are available from any screen in Account Management, including Pending Items, messages from Client Services, access to your other accounts, and more. On a desktop, these always appear on the top bar of the screen.
Each screen displays breadcrumbs just below the main title. Each breadcrumb represents a screen; they show you the screen you are viewing and how you got there. Click a breadcrumb link to go directly to a previously viewed screen.
For example, Portfolio Analyst / Custom Reports and Add-Ons tells you that you are currently viewing the Custom Reports and Add-Ons screen and that you came from the Portfolio Analyst Summary screen. Click Portfolio Analyst in the breadcrumbs to jump immediately to the Portfolio Analyst Summary screen.
If you have or manage multiple accounts, you must first select one or more account in the Account Selector, which opens automatically when you first access Portfolio Analyst. Open the Account Selector at any time to change your account selection by selecting the List icon in the upper right corner of the screen (next to your user name).