Order Ticket Window - Miscellaneous

Use the Miscellaneous order fields to apply order attributes and set specific rules for OCA groups.

NOTE that OCA group names must be unique to ensure proper handling of OCA orders. Once you use a name, you cannot use it again even after the order executes or is canceled.



Order Ref

An identifying number you create to track your order.

Large Shareholder

For large shareholders trading Canadian products. Use the dropdown selection list to appropriately mark your order.

Trigger Method

Select a new trigger method for the order. To modify the default trigger method use the Global Configuration tool and select Orders>Order Defaults.

ISE Midpoint Match

Choose from Standard or SOI for an ISE MPM order.

Req Market Data

Check to request market data for the order.

Block Order

Check to create a block order.

Sweep to Fill

Check to create a sweep-to-fill order.


Check to create a hidden order.  

All or None

Check to create an All or None order.


Checking this box indicates that you will take all the risk for partially-executed Smart routed combination orders.

Preserve Time Priority

Check to keep your order in the queue and prohibit from canceling and resubmitting orders intermittently. This feature is used on exchanges that charge a handling fee for orders that remain on the order book for a specified period of time.

Hide Pennies


When checked, hides the penny pricing of your options order.


Consider Cost

If checked, Smart routing will consider the total cost of executing the order, including commissions and other fees, when deciding where to route the order. If unchecked, only the exchange price is considered.




OCA Group


If the order is part of a one-cancels-all order, enter the OCA name in this field. All orders with the same name in the OCA field become part of an OCA order. Once you use a name, you cannot use that name again even after the order executes or is canceled.

Partially filled instructions

Set instructions on how to behave when order is partially filled. The default is to have other orders in the OCA group proportionately reduced in size based on the quantity of the filled portion.

Overfill Protection

Dictates that only one order in the group will be routed to an exchange at a time. This completely removes the possibility of an overfill.