Set Percentage Change Alerts

Set up an alert that triggers if the price of an instrument changes by plus/minus the specified percentage.

The Alerts window is composed of two sections. The first is the Conditions area, where you define the conditions which must be met to activate the alert. The second is the Actions area, where you define the action that will occur when the conditions are met. Create alerts based on price movement, time and date, trading volume or the state of your margin cushion. Alert actions include sending a notification such as a pop-up message on your trading screen, an email or a text message, or initiating an order, specifically a buy or sell order.

To set up a Percentage Change alert

  1. Right-click an instrument from your Portfolio, Quote Monitor, Watchlist or other window.
  2. At the end of the quick-trade button bar, click the "Alert" bell icon.
  3. In the Configure Price Condition box, click Advanced Settings in the bottom right corner.
  4. Begin to set the alert conditions by selecting Percentage Change in the Choose Condition section of the Create Condition box, then click Next.
  5. Modify the instrument if needed, then in the Operator field, choose from "greater than or equal to" or "less than or equal to."
  6. In the Percentage Change field, enter the value that will be acted on by the operator defined above, and click the Finish button.
  7. To define multiple conditions, select And or Or from the Logic drop-down list, and add another contract on the next line.

Your alert conditions are described in the Preview box at the bottom right of the window.

Now specify the action(s) that the alert will trigger. You can select from email, SMS, pop-up message and audio alerts, and elect to have an order triggered.

Alerts Duration

By default, the alert will remain active until you cancel it. You can elect to have the alert remain active through a specific date and time by selecting Alert active until... and setting a date in the format YYYYMMDD hh:mm:ss.

If you want the condition(s) to be able to trigger outside regular trading hours, check the "Allow condition to be satisfied..." box.