You are here: Price/Risk Analytics > Implied Volatility > Use the Implied Volatility Viewer

Use the Implied Volatility Viewer

Use the Implied Volatility Viewer to see option volatility plotted against a range of user-specified strike prices for different Last Trading Days. Available for all stock, index and futures contracts that have options.

The Implied Volatility Viewer has two modes: Remote Server and Local PC.

Remote Server mode - In this mode, the model Implied Volatility is calculated on the server side, based on the entire volatility surface for the selected underlying. This computation includes all options in the related option chains that have a valid quote. In Remote Server mode, you cannot access the Edit menu nor can you make any changes to assumptions used in the model.

Local PC mode - In this mode, the model Implied Volatility is calculated on the based only on options loaded in TWS. In this mode, you have access to the Edit menu and can modify the interest and dividends and the loaded basket contract.

Remote Server Mode

3D Volatility Surface Webtool

Click the "3D" button on the Implied Volatility Viewer to view. Grab and move the 3D image with your mouse.

Local PC Mode

Use the Configuration menu for more settings:

Default Domain Range

Tooltip Mode

Volatility Units

Color Scheme