You are here: Order Types > Basic Order Types > VWAP


VWAP (Volume-Weighted Average Price) orders are supported for large cap securities only. You can also use the non-guaranteed VWAP Algo.

To create a Guaranteed VWAP order

  1. Click the Ask price to create a BUY order, or the Bid price to create a SELL order.
  2. In the Type field select VWAP as the order type.
  3. If desired, change the VWAP cut-off time using the TIF field.
  4. To transmit the order, click the "T" in the Status field.


A transmitted VWAP order is accepted immediately and CANNOT BE CANCELLED.

VWAP orders are automatically routed.

For a more detailed description of VWAP orders, visit the Order Types information page.