Mosaic Editing Modes

Mosaic and other layouts have two modes: Locked and Unlocked.

By default, the layouts are in "locked" mode when you launch them. When a workspace is locked, it acts as a single, grouped unit. You cannot add, remove, re-size or move any component tiles, but you can re-size the entire layout, and each component within will be scaled accordingly. Note that you can modify windows grouping assignments in the locked mode.

To rearrange, add or remove windows, or to re-size individual components, click the Lock icon to unlock the workspace.

Layout Locked

When the Mosaic layout is locked, the workspace is outlined in black and the lock label indicates the status. Keep the layout locked until you need to add, remove or resize individual windows.

To unlock the layout for editing

Layout Unlocked

When the Mosaic layout is unlocked, the workspace is outlined in green and the lock icon appears open. When unlocked, windows within the workspace frame act as separate, ungrouped windows, and you are able to remove them, resize them, and add new windows to the layout frame.

Note:  Be sure to always lock the workspace when you have finished editing to avoid unwanted changes or deletions to the Mosaic. You will not be allowed to exit the application if the workspace is unlocked.

To lock the layout