You are here: Algos > CSFB Algos > Crossfinder+

CSFB Crossfinder+

This strategy locates liquidity among a broad list of independent and broker-owned dark pools, with continuous crossing capabilities.  Using dynamic smart routing logic, CrossFinder+ will spread your order over multiple destinations. This algo will fill at the midpoint or better, and may not execute.

For large sized orders, use Blockfinder to define a price/size at which you're willing to potentially move a large block while still working the algo.

Field Description
Algo Selector

Select the CSFB algo.

Start Time Enter a start time for the algo if desired. If no start time is set, the algo becomes active when you submit.
End Time Enter the end time for the algo if desired. If no end time is set, the default end time is the market's close.
Execution Style

Select the degree of urgency.

Max % Participation Define the max percent of volume if desired.
Iceberg Enter the display size for the order. Cannot be less than 100 shares, or greater than the order size.
Blockfinder Check to enable Blockfinder, which submits blocks (with a 10,000 share minimum) for execution which remaining size continues to fill through the algo.

Only valid if Blockfinder is enabled.

Define the price at which the block is eligible to execute.

Min Block Size

Only valid if Blockfinder is enabled.

Define the minimum block size if desired. Must be at least 5000 and increments are in sizes of 5000. If no minimum size is defined the default size of 10,000 is used.

Max Block Size

Only valid if Blockfinder is enabled.

Define the maximum size of the block if desired.


To use CSFB algos, select CSFBALGO as the destination and then select an algo.