You are here: Settings > User Settings > Trading Platform Settings > Subscriber Status

Subscriber Status

Many exchanges classify customers as non-professional or professional. Exchange rules require that trusts and organizations (e.g. corporations, partnerships, LLCs and unincorporated businesses) must be classified as professional. NYSE, Amex, and TSE Professional Market Data require prior approval from the exchange.

The Market Data Subscriber Status screen lets you change your market data subscriber professional status from Non-Professional to Professional or from Professional to Non-Professional. Your market data subscriber status is displayed on the Market Data Subscriptions page.

To change your market data subscriber professional status

  1. Click Settings > User Settings.
  2. In the Trading Platform panel, click the Configure (gear) icon for Market Data Subscriptions.

The Market Data Subscription screen opens.

  1. Click the Configure (gear) icon in the Market Data Subscriber Status panel. The Market Data Subscriber Status screen opens.

  1. Select your desired subscriber status from the drop-down. If you change from Professional to Non-Professional, you must answer YES to the two questions that appear.
  2. Click CONTINUE.
  3. If you do not participate in the Secure Login System for two-factor authentication, you will receive an email with a confirmation number. Type the confirmation number you received in the field provided, then click CONTINUE.
  4. Click Ok.