You are here: Transfer & Pay > Integrated Cash Management > IB Debit Mastercard > Requesting Additional Cards

Requesting Additional Cards

This screen lets you request a secondary Debit Mastercard for joint account holders or a supplemental card for somebody who is not an account holder.

Rules for Additional Cards

To request an additional card

  1. Click Transfer & Pay > Debit Card.
  2. Click Request Additional Card.

  3. Select the type of additional card you want:
  4. Enter the cardholder information in the fields provided. You can use the person's Social Security number for Taxpayer ID.
  5. Click Continue, review the information, and then click Continue again.
  6. Record your card activation instructions and save it in a secure place. You will need this information to activate your Debit Mastercard when it arrives in the mail in 7-10 business days.