You are here: Transfer & Pay > Transferring Funds > Checking the Status of Your Funds

Checking the Status of Your Funds

To check the status of your funds

  1. Click Transfer & Pay > Fund Transfers.
  2. If you have multiple accounts, account partitions or you manage one or more client or sub accounts, the Account Selector automatically opens. Select the account or partition whose fund status you want to view, or search for accounts or partitions by Account ID, Account Title or Account Alias, then select the desired account. For more information, see Using the Account Selector.

Funds status for the selected account appears in the Transaction Information section at the bottom of the page.

Funds Status

The Fund Transfers page displays the following fund status information:




Cash Available for Withdrawal (assuming margin loan) The total amount of cash in your account that may be withdrawn, assuming you have a margin loan. Shown in your account’s base currency. The balance available for withdrawal may be less than your total Cash Balance. For example, for a margin account, cash balances are being used to satisfy your margin requirement, or for a cash account, any portion of that balance represents proceeds from trades that have not yet settled. In addition, there is a withdrawal hold period of three business days placed on deposits made by either wire transfer or bank check.
Cash Available for Withdrawal (without margin loan) The total amount of cash in your account that may be withdrawn, without a margin loan. Shown in your account’s base currency.

The Cash Available for Withdrawal (without margin loan)g is the maximum amount that you can withdraw without incurring a debit interest charge.

Amount The amount being transferred. The client selects enters the amount based on the funds available.