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Saved Information

Saved information contains information about the financial institution involved in a funding transaction in your account that you can reuse in future transactions. When you set up a deposit/deposit notification or withdrawal on the Fund Transfers page, you are prompted to save the information about your financial institution. This bank information is saved under a name you enter, and you can view all of your saved bank information on the Transfer & Pay > Saved Information screen.

This topic includes:

About Saved Information

You can save the following types of information about financial institutions used in transactions:

Bank Information

All deposit and withdrawal types EXCEPT check withdrawals require that you enter your bank information, including a name for the bank information, before you submit the transaction.

When you enter a deposit, deposit notification or withdrawal on the Transfer Funds screen, you have the option of creating new bank information or using saved bank information.

Once your transaction request has been submitted, the bank information you entered is saved in our system. The next time you enter a transaction, you will be prompted to use a saved bank information or create new bank information.

The following image shows the Bank Information section in a deposit transaction.

Recurring Transactions

The last step in setting up a deposit/deposit notification or withdrawal transaction before you submit the transaction request is the option to turn your transaction request into a recurring transaction.

In a funding transaction request, after you enter all of the information about your financial institution, you are prompted to create a recurring transaction. If you select NO, you can submit the transaction request and no recurring transaction will be created. If you answer YES, the recurring transaction fields appear.

To set up a recurring transaction, you specify the following information:

When you submit your transaction request, the recurring transaction information you entered will also be saved and the transaction will recur at the frequency and on the start date that you entered.

In the event the transaction falls on a US non-business day under normal circumstances, we will process the request on the business day prior to the recurring transaction date. In the even this processing leads to multiple withdrawals during the same month, the account holder will be assessed withdrawal fees.

To cancel a recurring transaction, delete the recurring transaction from the Saved Information screen.

Broker Information (for certain position transfers)

Broker information is a set of optional instructions that you can create and use for certain types of position transfers.

Broker information is a convenient way to reuse third-party broker information for the following types of position transfers:

When you request one of those types of position transfers on the Position Transfers screen, you have the option of creating new broker information or using saved broker information. However, you cannot save new broker information and perform a position transfer at the same time. You have to submit the position transfer without saving the broker information, or first save the broker information and then enter the position transfer using the saved broker information.


Using the Saved Information Screen

On the Saved Information screen, you can:

View Saved Information Details

You cannot edit saved information. If you want to change saved information, first delete it from the Saved Information screen, and then create new information as part of your next transaction request.

To view saved information

  1. Click Transfer & Pay > Saved Information.

  1. Click any saved information to open it.

Delete Saved Information

You can delete saved information you no longer need to use.

To delete saved information

  1. Click Transfer & Pay > Saved Information.
  2. Click the X for the saved information you want to delete.
  3. Click Yes to complete the operation.