You are here: Settings > Account Settings > Trading Permissions

Trading Permissions

Trading permissions specify the products you can trade where you can trade them. You modify existing trade permissions or subscribe to new permissions on the Trading Permissions screen. When specifying permissions, you will be asked to sign any risk disclosures required by local regulatory authority.

On the Trading Permissions screen, you can:

To configure trading permissions

  1. Click Settings > Account Settings.
  2. If you manage or maintain multiple accounts, the Account Selector opens. Search for and select the account whose trading permissions you want to change.

The Account Settings screen opens. The Trading Experience & Permissions panel displays your current trading permissions.

  1. In the Trading Experience & Permissions panel, click the Configure (gear) icon.

The Trading Permissions screen opens.

  1. In the Trading Programs section of the page, sign up for a trading program by selecting the box next to it. If you do not have a Portfolio Margin account, you will not see the Pre-Borrow Program.
    Leave a program by deselecting the box next to it.
  1. The Trading Permissions section of the page lists all of the products you can trade and the countries in which you can trade them. Currently approved products are shown with a check mark next to them.

For example, the following image shows an account with stocks and options trading permissions in the United States.

Use the filter drop-downs at the top of the section to change the countries and products that are displayed:

  1. To request specific products to trade in specific countries, click each country in each product section to place a check mark next to them.

For example, the following image shows a request for stock trading permissions in the United States and several European countries.

  1. Click CONTINUE.

The Configure Financial Information page opens.

  1. Modify the information on this screen as required and then click CONTINUE.

Some products require specific investment experience, which you can also modify on this page.

  1. Depending on the products that you have requested permission to trade, you are prompted to sign risk disclosures and/or agreements, as required by law. Read each disclosure and agreement and indicate your agreement by typing your name in the Signature field. Click CONTINUE after signing each disclosure or agreement.
  2. Review your changes on the next screen and then click CONTINUE.


Trading permission upgrade requests received by 11:00 AM ET on a business day will be reviewed by the next business day under normal circumstances.