You are here: Settings > Account Settings > Configuration > Excess Funds Sweep

Excess Funds Sweep

Your account is authorized to trade both securities products and commodities/futures products and therefore consists of two underlying accounts or account segments: a securities account governed by rules of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and a futures account governed by rules of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). As part of the service, you have authorized us to automatically transfer funds as necessary between your securities account and your futures account in order to satisfy margin requirements in either account.

Use the Excess Funds Sweep page to configure how you want us to handle the transfer of your excess funds between the two segments of your account. You can choose to sweep the funds to either the securities account or the commodities account, or choose not to sweep funds at all.

Note the following:

To set your excess funds sweep method

  1. Click Settings > Account Settings.
  2. If you manage or maintain multiple accounts, the Account Selector opens. Search for and select the account whose account alias you want to change.
  3. In the Configuration panel, click the Configure (gear) icon for Excess Funds Sweep.
  4. Read the important information on the page, then select a sweep method from the drop-down menu:
  1. Click Save. Your setting is saved immediately.