You are here: Settings > Account Settings > Configuration > Client Questionnaire Editor

Client Questionnaire Editor

Create and edit questionnaires for your clients. The purpose of the questionnaire is to use the risk score formula based on the question bank to help you create suitable investment portfolios and goals for clients.

Note: For more information, see the Risk Profile Tool user' guide.

To create a Client Questionnaire

  1. Go to Settings > Account Settings and find the Configuration panel.
  2. Click the configure (gear icon) next to Client Questionnaire Editor.
  3. Select questions from the right side and they will transfer to your draft questionnaire.
  4. Select Preview to view your questionnaire before you Make Active.
  5. Select Save Draft to work on your questionnaire later. Select Discard Draft to start over.

To send questionnaires to Clients

  1. Log in and go to Support > Message Center.
  2. Click Send Message to Clients.
  3. From the Composed Message drop-down menu , select Use my approved IB Templates.
  4. From the Select a template drop-down menu, select the questionnaire you previously saved.
  5. Clients will be able to complete the questionnaire on the following day.