You are here: Settings > User Settings > Security Settings > Change Security Questions

Change Security Questions

In some cases, we ask our clients to identify themselves by answering the security questions that they provided in their account application. If you have forgotten these questions and answers, you can use the Change Security Questions page to change them.

To change the security questions

  1. Click Settings > User Settings and go to the Security panel..
  1. Click the configure (gear) icon next to Security Questions. Use the drop down menu and the answer field to edit your security questions as needed.
  2. Click Save.

Note: There may be cases where your account is eligible to change the security questions online but you receive the message "User is not allowed to use this functionality. Please call customer service". If this happens, it means that you probably launched Account Management from TWS rather than logging in directly. Try logging into Account Management directly (from our website, select LOG IN > Account Management), and then try changing the questions.