You are here: Settings > Account Settings > Configuration > Account Type

Account Type

Use the Account Type screen to upgrade your Cash account to a Margin account, or upgrade your Margin account to a Portfolio Margin account.

Note: Before you can upgrade to a margin account, you must meet the eligibility requirements of those accounts.

To change your account type

  1. Click Settings > Account Settings.
  2. If you manage or maintain multiple accounts, the Account Selector opens. Search for and select the account whose account type you want to change.
  3. In the Configuration panel, click the Configure (gear) icon for Account Type.

  1. In the Account Type drop-down, select the type of margin account to which you want to upgrade.
  1. Click CONTINUE.
  2. If you chose to change your trading permissions, the Configure Trading Permissions screen opens. Configure trading permissions and trading programs on this screen and then click CONTINUE.
  3. Answer the questions on the next screen by selecting YES or NO, and then click CONTINUE.
  4. If you do not participate in the Secure Login System for two-factor authentication, you will receive an email with a confirmation number. Enter the confirmation number in the field provided and then click CONTINUE.
  5. Type your name in the Signature field on any risk disclosures that open, and then click CONTINUE.
  6. Your request is submitted. Click Ok.