You are here: Reports > Other Reports > Transaction Cost Analysis

Transaction Cost Analysis

Transaction Cost Analysis is a dynamic and interactive analysis of your trades marked to various benchmarks grouped in different categories or on a per-order basis. Transaction Cost Analysis applies to trades of any instrument type and is typically available ten minutes after a trade is executed. Performance metrics are expressed as basis points (bps) of value traded.

Each executed trade in the period of the analysis is marked to a series of performance benchmarks with the results displayed in multiple interactive tables. You can drill down in a variety of categories, including trade date, order side, exchange, trade price and underlying, to see how each trade performed when compared to the benchmark. The performance of a trade is calculated by marking the trade price to each benchmark. A positive number indicates that the trade worked in your favor; a negative number indicates that the trade did not work in your favor.

You can also add or remove columns from tables using the Configure (gear) icon.

Combinations are not supported in the Transaction Cost Analysis.

See Understanding the Transaction Cost Analysis for a complete description of each column heading and performance benchmark used in the analysis results.

To run a Transaction Cost Analysis

  1. Click Reports > Other Reports.
  2. Select Transaction Cost Analysis from the Report Type drop-down.


  1. Select a start date and an end date from the From Date and To Date drop-down lists, then click RUN REPORT to generate your analysis.

The page displays the results of your analysis in the Instrument Type and Marketability section in the Summary Analysis. All performance numbers are in basis points, and volume is in shares or contracts, as applicable. Negative numbers appear in parentheses.

Here is an example of transaction cost analysis Summary Analysis results.

  1. Click a category (expanding items are indicated by a plus sign) to drill down to view more detailed data by instrument type and marketability. Detailed results are displayed in additional tables:

In addition, an Outlier Analysis is added to the results in the bottom half of the screen. The Outlier Analysis shows an analysis of the Top and Bottom orders for each of the performance benchmarks. You can jump quickly to the Outlier Analysis from the link at the top of the screen.

  1. Filter the results further within each of the detailed breakdowns by clicking the appropriate category.
  2. Remove individual filters by clicking the X icon next to a filter link in the Current Active Filters display located at the top of the screen. You can remove any filter in any order at any time. The report data refreshes to reflect the change in the Current Active Filters.

For example, suppose your Current Active Filters display looks like this:

You remove the Sell filter by clicking the X icon to the left of the filter link. The Current Active Filters changes to look like this (and the report data refreshes to indicate the new Current Active Filters):

  1. View detailed data for the orders in the current view by clicking the View Order Details link at the top of the screen.
    Click the Back link at the upper right corner of the screen to return to the original report view. Order Details shows data only for the orders that are visible in the current view using the current active filters. For example, if you are viewing all marketable stock orders and there are 300 orders, the Order Details will include details for those 300 orders. If your current active filters are showing only ten orders, then the Order Details will include details for those ten orders.

  1. You can configure columns for the Summary Analysis table, for all of the detailed tables, for the Outlier Analysis tables and for the Order Details table. When you configure columns for the detail tables, your changes apply to all detail tables.

When you log in for the first time, we display all columns by default. If you choose to remove all columns, we will still display the default columns. Any changes applied to Summary Analysis columns will also be applied to the Details table columns and vice versa.

  1. Optionally, print the current view of the report by clicking the Print icon in the upper right corner of the screen.