You are here: Reports > Statements > Types of Statements > Third-Party Downloads

Third-Party Downloads

On the Reports > Statements screen, you can download statements into any one of the following software:

In addition, the following downloads are available upon request:

PortfolioCenter is a product of Schwab Performance Technologies, a subsidiary of The Charles Schwab Corporation.

If you are downloading your statements for use in a proprietary program that requires a set format, use Activity Flex Queries instead of Activity Downloads.

To download statements to third-party software

  1. Click Reports > Statements.
  2. If you manage or maintain multiple accounts, the Account Selector opens. Search for and select an account.

The Statements screen opens.

  1. In the Run a Statement panel, select Third-Party Downloads as the Statement Type.
  2. Select the Period and Date using the drop-downs provided.
  3. Select the third-party software from the Format drop-down.
  4. Click Run Statement.
  5. Open the generated report with the appropriate application, or download the report to your computer.