You are here: Reports > Tax Reporting and Tools > Cost Basis > Position Transfer Basis

Position Transfer Basis

The Position Transfer Cost Basis page lets you specify the cost basis for positions transferred into your account using ACATS (Automated Customer Account Transfer Service), ATON (Account Transfer Online Notification), or FOP (Free of Payment). Under the FIFO cost basis accounting method, a closing transaction is matched with the cost basis of the earliest transaction in the position to determine realized profit or loss. The FIFO cost basis method is used throughout the US for stocks, security options, single stock futures and Forex.

To specify the position transfer basis for an ACATS, ATON or FOP transfer

  1. Click Reports > Tax. The Tax Reports screen opens.
  2. In the Cost Basis Panel, click the Configure (gear) icon for Position Transfer.

The Position Transfer Cost Basis screen opens.

If there are no eligible transactions, there is nothing for you to do and you can exit this screen using the menu or breadcrumbs.

  1. If there are eligible transactions, select a transfer date.

  1. In the Edit Positions section, update the cost basis for ACATS, ATON or FOP transfers as described below:
  1. Click CONTINUE to submit your cost basis update.