You are here: Reports > Statements > Types of Statements > Models

Model Statements

Models provide an efficient method for advisors to manage multiple trading strategies for their clients without requiring them to open multiple accounts. Client investments are allocated among instruments in the Model based on the Model's allocation ratios as defined by the advisor.

Advisors and their clients can view Model Statements in Account Management on the Models page, provided models have been created in Trader Workstation. Model Statements include additional information about the selected model in the Account Information section.

To view a Model statement

  1. Click Reports > Statements.
  2. If you manage or maintain multiple accounts, the Account Selector opens. Search for and select an account.

The Statements screen opens.

  1. In the Run a Statement panel, select Standard Statements as the Statement Type.
  2. In the Standard Statement Type drop-down, select Models.
  3. Select the Period, Date and Format in the drop-downs provided.
  4. In the Options drop-down select one of the following:
  1. Select a language.
  2. Click Run Statement.