You are here: Getting Started > Institutions Portal > View Traders


The dashboard lets Proprietary Trading Group STL Account Master Users view all current Authorized Trading sub accounts and add Authorized Trading sub accounts.

To view Authorized Trading sub accounts

  1. Log in to Account Management.

The Trading Sub Accounts dashboard appears , displaying all sub accounts for authorized traders, including the account name, account number, status and Net Asset Value (NAV).

The Portfolio Tab displays the total NAV and Margin requirements.

  1. If the current status of a sub account is “Application in progress,” a link may appear in the Status column that lets you complete the next step in the application process.
  2. To create a new sub account, click the Add Trading Sub Account button, then follow the instructions on the screen to fill out the Authorized Trader Information form.
  3. Click the information icon on the left to open trading sub account and view personal and portfolio information.