Advisors who select Percent of P&L as the basis of their client fees can apply High Water Marking to the billing period client fees to offset periods of losses in a volatile market. Advisors cannot charge a profit-based fee as long as a cumulative loss exists. You set up High Water Marking on the Client Fees > Configure page when you select Percentage of P&L as the client fee method.
Fund Investment Managers with Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) can also apply High Water Marking to fees for their SMA accounts.
To set up High Water Marking
The Configure Fees page opens. Select one or more client accounts by clicking the check box next to each one, then click Continue.
If you have a large number of client accounts, you can sort the list by any column heading, including Account Number, Account Alias, Account Name, Date Opened and Template. Simply click the arrows next to a column heading to sort the list by that heading.
You can set up High Water Marking for both annual and quarterly P&L if you are using both as the basis of your billing of client fees.
The High Water Mark Setup toggle button appears.
You set up High Water Marking separately for annual- and quarterly-based P&L fees.
Current period losses are never adjusted by current period withdrawals, gains are not prorated and deposits are not used to prorate losses.
Your modified client account fee schedule is displayed. While pending you have the option to cancel the fee change or print the form to directly mail to the client.