You can organize your contact records into groups according to any criteria you choose, and you will be able to pull up a group of prospects and accounts instead of selecting them one at a time.
In addition, for accounts that meet the criteria, you can create households. Select one member as the head of household, and that member can log in with that username to view all reporting and account details for all accounts in the household. Once you create a household, a paper form will be generated that the client must sign and return if they want to be considered a household. Paper forms are generated each time a new household is created or modified.
Use the Groups tab to:
To view the current members in any group
The Groups tab opens. This page lists all of your current groups, along with the number of contact records in each group in parentheses next to the group name. Households are labeled as such.
Click the name of the group whose members you want to view.
The Groups row expands to open, displaying all prospects and accounts that are part of this group.
To add a new group and add members to the group
The Groups tab opens.
Type the name of the new group, and then click the Add/Edit Group Members button.
The account selector appears.
Once you have added all members, click Continue on the Group information page.
The contacts you selected are now part of the new group you created.
Household groups are groups with members that share the same residential address. Household groups have additional features that allow you to specify a head of household that has specialized permissions to run a statement and other limited functions.
Rules for Household Eligibility
Only accounts can be members of households, prospects cannot be members of households. Accounts with the same last name with the same home address can create a household group. If account holders are in the same family but have a different last name that are living at the same home address and if there is a dependent relationship, they can form a household group
Organization accounts may form a household group if the underlying organization is solely owned by or established for the benefit of the family members.
Trust accounts may form a household group if the current trust beneficiary is the family. Accounts are not commingled and customers retain control over and are responsible for their individual accounts whether a household group or not.
From the Portal home page, click the Groups tab.
The Groups tab opens.
Click the delete (X) Group icon on the row for the group you want to delete.
Click OK in the confirmation message.
The group is deleted.
From the Portal home page, click the Groups tab.
The Groups tab opens.
Click the Edit (pencil) Group icon on the row for the group you want to delete.
The Group Information page opens.
Type a new name for the group in the text field, and then click continue. A green check mark icon appears to confirm the change.
To add members to an existing group
From the Portal home page, click the Groups tab.
The Groups tab opens.
Click the Edit (pencil) Group icon on the row for the group you want to modify.
The Group Information page opens.
Click the Add/Edit Group Members button.
The account selector appears.
Select contacts by checking the box next to each contact. Click Continue to add them to the existing Group.
Note: Paper forms are generated and must be submitted each time a household is modified.