Configure Advisor Client Fees

Advisors configure client fee schedules on the Configure Fees page. Use the Configure Fees page to:

Fund Investment Managers with Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) can also configure fees for their SMA accounts.

To configure client fees

  1. From the home dashboard click Fees > Configure Client Fees.

The Configure Fees page opens.

  1. Select one or more client accounts to view the existing fee schedule.

The page displays the fee schedule currently assigned to the selected client accounts, or displays a blank fee schedule if you have not yet assigned one to the selected accounts.

  1. Click the configure (gear) icon next to the account to make fee changes.
  2. Enter client fees in the fields provided:

Note: Fee per trade unit is not available for US or US protectorate legal residents due to regulatory restrictions, with the exception of US commodity-registered advisors, who are allowed a per-trade schedule for futures.

  1. If you selected Percentage of P&L, a window opens that lets you select and enter values for either Percentage of Annual P&L or Percentage of Quarterly P&L. As soon as you enter a value in either of these fields, the High Water Marking option appears. Click Continue when you are done. For more information, see High Water Mark Setup.

The maximum percent of P&L that you can you charge for either period is 35%.

  1. If you selected Fee per trade unit, a window opens that lets you configure client fees on a fee-per-trade unit for each asset class (e.g. stocks, options, etc.), exchange and currency. These sections are displayed in expanding and collapsing sections. Click the gray bar to expand or collapse each section.

For Forex fee per trade unit, the mark-up is calculated on the second currency of an FX pair.For example, if a client trades in EUR.USD, the markup is based on the USD and not the EUR.

Expand and collapse each section as needed to set fees per trade as described below:

Note: Very small numbers may be displayed in E notation.

  1. To specify interest markups or markdowns for a specific currency:
  1. Click the Pay Client No Credit Interest check box to pay all credit and short proceeds credit interest to the broker.
  2. In the Credit Markdown field, enter a percentage amount to be subtracted from the credit interest paid and given to the broker.
  3. In the Debit Markup field, enter a percentage amount to be added to the debit interest. The maximum markup is 1%.
  4. In the Short Credit Markdown field, enter a percentage amount to be subtracted from the short proceeds credit interest paid and given to the broker.
  1. Click Continue.

A review and confirmation page appears.