Client Fee Templates

The Templates page lets Advisors view existing client fee templates, create new templates, edit or delete existing templates and apply templates to client accounts.

Overview of Client Fee Templates

Client fee schedules can be applied to accounts individually or can be stored in templates. You can configure fees for one or more client accounts, or set up client fee schedules in templates, then assign the templates to client accounts. The use of templates allows you to easily maintain different fee schedules for multiple client accounts.

You create, modify and delete templates on the Templates page. If you are a new advisor (i.e., you just opened your account), then there will be a blank default client fee template, which you can then configure with your own fee schedule. You can modify the default template but you cannot delete it.

You are not required to create templates for client fee schedules. You can simply select one or more client accounts on the Configure Fees page, then create a fee schedule for those accounts without assigning a template to those accounts.

If you have more than one saved template, you can mark one of them as the default template. New accounts will automatically be assigned to the template that is marked as the default at the time the client account is opened. If you do mark one of your own templates as the default template, the template named Default remains in the system and the client accounts previously assigned to the named Default template will still be assigned to it.

To create a client fee template

  1. Click Fees > Configure Fee Templates.

The Templates page opens.

The Templates page lists all of your saved client fee templates, if you have any.

  1. Click the + icon.
  2. Name your template and click Continue. Set your fees and invoicing limits in the fields provided.

  1. For Percentage of P&L, click the check box and then click the blue pencil icon to choose between percentage of annual or percentage of quarterly P&L.
  2. For Fee per trade unit, click the check box and then click the blue pencil icon to charge clients for services rendered based on a fee-per-trade unit for each asset class (e.g. stocks, options, etc.), exchange and currency. These sections are displayed in expanding and collapsing sections. Click the gray bar to expand or collapse each section as needed to set fees per trade:

Advisors will see the following screen for Fee per trade unit:

Here is the same screen with the Stocks section expanded:

  1. Click Save.

To view, edit or delete a client fee template

  1. Click Fees > Configure Client Fee Templates.

The Templates page opens.

  1. Click the blue information (i) icon to view a saved template.
  2. Click the blue pen icon next to the template you want to edit.
  3. To delete a template, click the X next to the template.

To Apply Fee Templates

  1. Click Fees > Configure Client Fee Templates.
  2. Click the blue arrow icon to apply your saved template to client accounts.
  3. Click Add/Edit Accounts to select the client accounts the fee template will be applied to.
  4. Review the confirmation screen and click Ok to return.