Advisor Fee Reimbursements

Advisors can reimburse fees to client accounts on the Invoicing page.

Rules for Fee Reimbursements

On the Client Invoicing page, an advisor can:

To submit fee reimbursements

Advisors can reimburse fees to client accounts on the Advisor Invoicing page.

  1. From the home dashboard, click Fees > Fee Reimbursement.

The Fee Reimbursement page opens.

  1. Click the + icon in the top right of the screen.

  1. Enter fee reimbursements for each client account as follows:
  1. Select an Advisor from the Advisor list. This will be either your own Master account or a Money Manager account.
  2. Select a client account from the Client Account list. The Currency field is automatically filled.
  3. In the New Reimbursement Amount  field, enter the amount of the fee reimbursement.
  4. Enter an optional note in the Memo field.
  5. Click the Add link in the Action column.
  1. Continue adding fee reimbursements as required.

Be aware of the following processing rules:

To review fee reimbursements

  1. From the home dashboard, Click Fees > Fee Reimbursement.
  1. Pending reimbursements will be displayed on the summary screen.
  1. Modify or cancel the fee reimbursement request:

To view fee reimbursements that have been processed

  1. Click Fees > Fees Reimbursement.

The Invoicing page opens.

  1. Click the download icon in the top right of the screen to download processed invoices.
  2. You will be prompted to select a program to open the .xls file.

The page displays the following information for each fee reimbursement: