You are here: Getting Started > Functions Available from Every Screen > Pending Items

Pending Items

The Pending Items page shows items such as outstanding document submissions or pending funding requests for your account or, for multiple account structures, for the selected account.

Types of Pending Items

Opening Pending Items

To open pending items

  1. From any screen in Account Management, click the Notifications (bell) icon. The number on the icon shows you how many total unread notifications you have.

A drop-down opens, showing how many unread Pending Items, Corporate Actions and Message you have.

  1. Click Pending Items.

The Pending Items screen opens.

  1. You can open and view any pending item to see the details of the item. Click the View button for the pending item you want to view.
  2. Click CONTINUE when you have completed the action that clears the pending item.

Here is an example of a pending withdrawal that needs to be confirmed.