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Using the Account Selector

If you have multiple linked accounts or account partitions, or you manage multiple accounts, you will be prompted to select one or more accounts after you log in to Account Management. You select accounts in the Account Selector, which displays the account ID and customer type of all of your IB accounts . On a desktop, the Account Selector slides in from the right side of the screen.

If you want to view account balances and Net Asset Value for all of your IB accounts on one screen, you would select those accounts in the Account Selector.

This topic shows you how to use the Account Selector to:

To select an account:

  1. Click the Account Selector icon located in the top right corner of Account Management.
    If you do not see the Account Selector icon, then you do not have multiple accounts or partitions.

The Account Selector opens.

  1. Click the check box that corresponds to the account(s) you want to use in Portfolio Analyst. If you want to choose a different account, clear your selections by clicking RESET.
  2. Click CONTINUE.
    The Portfolio Analyst Summary screen opens and displays data for the selected account(s).

To select a different account:

If you have multiple accounts and have already logged in with one account, you can switch account easily using the Account Selector.

  1. Click the Account Selector icon on the top right of the screen.
  2. Click the check box that corresponds to the account(s) you want to use. If you want to choose a different account, clear your selections by clicking Reset
  3. Click CONTINUE.
    The Home screen reloads and displays data for the selected account(s).

To search for accounts:

In the Account Selector, type part of the account title or customer type in the search accounts field, and then click the magnifying glass icon. Click the X to clear the search field and the search results.

To filter accounts by Customer Type:

  1. In the Account Selector, click the filter icon located above the list of accounts (this is the second icon from the right).
  2. Select the desired customer type buttons (for example, INDIVIDUAL or JOINT) and then click Apply.

The list of accounts updates to display your accounts that match the selected customer type.

To display additional account information:

By default, the Account Selector displays the account ID and customer type of all of your IB accounts, but you can display additional information such as account alias or account status.

  1. In the Account Selector, click the gear icon located above the list of accounts (this is the last icon on the right).
  2. Select the desired information you want to add to the list of accounts. For example, you might want to display your account title and account alias (if you have one).
  3. Click Apply.

The list of accounts updates and resizes to display the additional information that you selected.